Category Archives: Lens Tests

ILLUMINA (LOMO) Super35 High Speed Cine Lenses

ILLUMINA (LOMO) Super35 High Speed Cine Lenses

A fellow filmmaker & my go to guy when it comes to info on Russian lenses, Tomasz Wolski aka Film Cyfeowy has recently written a wonderful article for the Polish Filammking Magazine “FilmPro” (check out their Website & Facebook). The article is about Illumina MK-II Cine lenses from LOMO, a legendary producer of film cameras… Continue Reading

Canon FD 50mm F1.4 + Zhongyi Lens Turbo II Focal Reducer

Canon FD 50mm F1.4 + Zhongyi Lens Turbo II Focal Reducer

Anyone who follows VintageLensesForVideo on Instagram might know that I’ve been using a Zhongyi Lens Turbo ll (cheaper alternative to Metabones Speed Booster) for a little while now, mostly along with my current 50mm F1.4 lens of choice, the Canon FD 50mm F1.4. For total of just over $200 this combo gives me a 54mm… Continue Reading

Chinon 200mm F3.5 Test  & What Makes a Beautiful Image?!

Chinon 200mm F3.5 Test

Just over 2 years ago I’ve done one of my first ever vintage lens video comparisons. I simply picked out 4 very cheap 200mm primes, curios to see how these unknown lenses would stack up against each other and to see if they were usable at all.  One lens stood out to me as the… Continue Reading

SIRIUS 28mm F2.8 Macro TEST & REVIEW

SIRIUS 28mm F2.8 Macro TEST & REVIEW

Sirius 28mm F2.8 is one of these lenses that I’ve had for a long time now, hoping to test it out some day. It’s an unknown, third party brand and on paper it doesn’t stand out in any way, except for the “MACRO” feature, which is often found on various vintage zoom lenses too, so… Continue Reading

BMPCC Anamorphic Test | Proskar-16 2x

BMPCC Anamorphic Test | Proskar-16 2x

Since my recent acquirement of the Blackmagic Pocket Camera, I’ve been busy trying to find wide angle lenses for it. Being a 3x crop sensor camera, it really needs ultra wide lenses or any other possible help to get a wider field of view. Other help? Well, 2 things come to my mind. Speed Booster/… Continue Reading

Canon 18-108mm F1.6 C-Mount for BMPCC

Canon 18-108mm F1.6 C-Mount for BMPCC

Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera & Canon 18-108mm C Mount Lens from GanEdenVideo on Vimeo. The Blackmagic Pocket Camera fever continuous with yet another C-mount lens test, so if you are not into BMPCC you might want to skip this one. While doing one of my usual ebay bargain searches a few days ago I came… Continue Reading

Schneider-Kreuznach Variogon 18-90mm F2 for BMPCC

Schneider-Kreuznach Variogon 18-90mm F2 for BMPCC

I finally made a decision to by the Blackmagic Pocket Camera, because I can no longer resist the urge to test loads amazing of vintage c-mount lenses that will only work with this camera thanks to its unusual Super16 size sensor. About 5 months ago before anyone even received their first pocket cam, I’ve made… Continue Reading



There is a lot that can be said about Mir-1 37mm F2.8 Lens. Internet is filled with in depth information and reviews, but to save you guys time, I’ll fill you in on the background of this lens before we move on to its use in this day & age. The production of  this lens… Continue Reading

Olympus Zuiko 50mm F1.4 VS Chinon Multi-Coated 55mm F1.7

Olympus Zuiko 50mm F1.4 VS Chinon Multi-Coated 55mm F1.7

As you can tell from my previous post I was certainly impressed with the unknown & forgotten Auto Chonon Multi-Coated 55mm F1.7, but to put things into better perspective I decided to do a simple comparison test against the my everyday 50mm lens of choice, the Olympus Zuiko F1.4. The Olympus is a bit wider… Continue Reading