Above you can see some test footage which I shot with a Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 lens. In my opinion this vintage Russian lens is very special. It has a very nice look to it and when shooting into the sun it creates very interesting flares that add a lot of character to the footage. It’s not suitable for every scenario, but I think it definitely adds a very cool old-school film look the footage shot with it. I personally really like the result I was able to achieve with this lens and it’s not just about the flares. The lens is really sharp and close focusing ability makes it a really good lens for close-ups (see 0:49 of the video). The colors are really good too and the maximum aperture of f/2 is great for low light shots. One of the nicest things about this lens though is the fluid aperture adjustment. This not something that is usually found in photo lenses. It lets you adjust the aperture in a smooth way, so you can easily fine-tune your aperture while recording without a sudden change of brightness. This feature was very handy when I was filming the BMX riders coming into the bright daylight and back under the roof where it was much darker. I was able to adjust the aperture very easily and smoothly without it being obvious in the shot. This a feature that is usually reserved to Cine lenses, so it is so nice to see it in this budget lens. The focus ring on my copy is really smooth and has long through, which meant I was able make really smooth, subtle focusing adjustments, which is what you would usually want from a lens used for video.
A lot of modern auto-focusing lenses have a very short through, which helps the autofocus motors achieve the focus quicker for photography needs, however for video this is actually a big downside, so good old manual lenses are so much better for manual focusing. They also have hard stops, which are important if you use a follow focus and focusing marks. Again, some modern lenses, Canon EF in particular don’t have any hard stops.
I keep telling people that the reason why modern lenses are so much more expensive that the old glass is not only because they have great optics, but also because they have great, fast auto focusing motors, which obviously makes a massive impact on the price. After all, these are photography lenses made for modern sophisticate cameras with fancy auto focusing systems. I said it before and I’ll say it again: if you are only doing video work with you DSLR then there is really no need to buy modern Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, etc glass. You can get so much more for your money if you invest into manual lenses and they don’t have to be as cheap as this Helios. Even very popular manual Nikon and Zeiss lenses will cost so much less that a modern equivalent which will not necessarily be better for video work.
If you are on a tight budget though, I highly recommend this Helios 44-2 58mm lens. It is a great mid/close up lens and it is so cheap that anyone can afford it.
I try my best to make this website a great resource people interested in vintage lenses for video use, so I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and it will help you save some money on your future lens investments. I’ve joined the ebay partnership program to help me run this website and fund my monthly lens giveaways, so if you found this post useful and would like to help me produce more similar content, please use the links in this post if you’re planning to buy one of these lenses or use this link if you want to buy anything else on eBay. You will not be spending a penny more using these links, while still helping me as I will get a small percentage from any purchase or successful bid you make. A win-win solution for everyone!
Very nice job on this video and article. I noticed that there are several different version of this lens, 44-2, 44-4m, 44-6, 44-7 etc. Do you know if the 44-2 you recommend is “better” or “worse” than the other ones? What is your opinion?
Hey Stephan. Personally I prefer the Helios 44-2 which has the step-less aperture ring on the front unlike the 44m model. I haven’t tried all the models you mentioned, but the difference between this is usually: construction, older/newer models, the ones with M have multi-coating on them. The most widely available models are the 44-2 and 44m. I tested both and I like both a lot. I’m sure you will be very pleased with either of them because they have such a pleasant character. I always say that Helios 58mm should be in everyone’s kit bag!
[…] Vintage lenses often have more “film-like” with very interesting bokeh and amazing flares like Helios 44-2 lens, which is a great representation of a great vintage lens: long focusing through, step-less, smooth […]
So i finally was able to get my hands on a Helios 44-2 actually new from Russia. I am so glad you spoke so highly of it and encouraged me to get it. I LOVE IT! I look forward to getting more of these exciting vintage lenses. Thank you for you research and for providing this website!!
[…] flares are beautiful and so is bokeh, which nice and swirly around edges. The lens reminds me of Helios 44-2, which is my favorite vintage lens. I was asked which one I would recommend. Both are really […]
[…] think almost everyone says the Helios 44-2, but I’m going to have to go with the MIR-24m. It’s incredibly sharp, goes well on […]
Hi, in your opinion which would be a vintage option for the 700$ sigma 18-35. Fast zoom, good quality, maybe even more focal length that the sigma for say not more than 350-400$? For an Apsc camera.Thanks in advance!
I will be difficult to find a good vintage partner for the Sigma as this has a really modern, sharp look. The Tokina 28-80mm F2.8 is popular choice and costs under $300. The nikon mount version is compatible with just about any camera: http://goo.gl/pXc81D
[…] favorite vintage lens is Helios 44-2 58mm lens. It far from perfect but have more character than any other lens I own. The biggest reason […]
[…] am real Helios 44-2 58mm F2 “fanboy”; I recommend it to everyone who asks me for a vintage lens advice, but thanks to the […]
[…] as wide with Proskar as you could with some other projection lenses. I found that something like a Helios 44-2 58mm represents a perfect focal length on Super35 sensor camera. I also tried using a Canon FD 50mm F1.4 […]
Hi Alan, Great to see some actual footage (and in particular from Southbank) – I was wondering if you know anything about what versions of this lens that would suit FX Canon cameras? – I have tried both the M and the -2 without much luck and I am aware that there are at least four other versions out there…
Thanks for the post. Loving your site!
Quick one. I want to get one of the Helios 44 lenses to go on both my 5Dmk3 and my A7s but have read that some of the lenses aren’t compatible with the 5D and will hit the mirror. How do you tell?
There is a guide that tells you which ones will work and which wont. Here it is: http://www.panoramaplanet.de/comp/
Thanks for the response. I found that site, but am still confused. For example they have two 44-2’s. Whats the difference? How can you tell?
Which one is this for example: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2457-M42-Mount-Helios-44-2-58mm-f2-Standard-Prime-Lens-Good-Condition-/281696204010?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item419666f4ea
Thanks again for the help.
I was wondering how much of a difference there is between even 44-2 models. I don’t mean the poor quality control but, for example, is there any advantage to getting a 44-2 zebra as opposed to another 44-2 made by MMZ? I have heard some people say that because it was the first model made by MMZ it generally has the best build quality but was wondering if that had any truth to it?
They vary slightly in character and build quality might vary ever so slightly from one factory to another, but in practice, all are really similar, which is my (maybe subjective) opinion
Thank you for the article, a question.
I ordered a helios 44-2, it came yesterday. silver finish, serial is 83152735, Russian lettering, MMZ factory. My initial reactions are that this is not a great copy. How do I tell for sure?
great video. thanks for sharing. It brought me to buy some Helios lenses for my nex 5n. I like the results I produce but I have always problems (due to the non existent image stabilizer in my cam and of course not in the helios) that the shots are not smooth and more shaky/ wobbly.
your shots in the video look great and smooth. how did you hold the camera this smoothly and even being able to adjust focus and apperture?
[…] only lens I’ve tried so far that has more character than the Meritar 50mm F2.9 is the legendary Helios 44-2 58mm F2. If you are familiar with the 44-2, you’ll know that any lens similar to it will be pretty […]
[…] lens that is new to me) in combination with 2 taking lenses I’m very familiar with, the Helios 44-2 (my favorite lens) and Dollonds 135mm F3.5 (one of the first lenses I tested). The 3min video above […]
[…] amazingly smooth bokeh, especially at F2.8. It doesn’t have as much character as bokeh on Helios 44-2, but in it’s own way it’s just as nice and is more suitable in certain situations, especially […]
[…] than pros, generally found on most vintage primes, like the excellent Canon FD 50mm F1.4 or magical Helios 44-2. Considering its price, I expected more from it. I generally found that F1.2 50mm primes are not […]
[…] a few vintage lens options to choose from including the various M42 lenses like Carl Zeiss Jena, Helios / Mir as well as Olympus, Minolta, Pentax lenses, but I don’t think that there are many better […]
[…] glad to find out that Helios 44-2 58mm F2.0 works with this adapter, because it’s not only my favorite lens, but also one of those lenses that even high end users are happy to to play with; however […]
[…] lenses I had. Since then I’ve learned a lot about these lenses and Helios 44-2 has become my favorite lens, so I decided to give it an […]
[…] but low price is, then take a look at Proskar-16 (review) or Sankor-16F (review). They are like the Helios 44-2 of the anamorphic world: super cheap & usable with tons of […]
[…] Everyone who knows me at lease a little bit will know that I absolutely love vintage Russian lenses, especially the Helios 44-2. […]
[…] This is also mirrored in the lens flares these lenses produce. Tamron has distinctively blue, clean flares, while Tokina glows much more and produces some funky rainbows that I really like because they remind me of my beloved Helios 44-2. […]
[…] might know how much I love the Helios 44-2, the cult Soviet 58mm F2.0 prime, but a very skilled lens technician, Richard Gale obviously took […]
[…] which are the best bargain lenses? Of course there are a few well-known gems like the Helios 44-2 58mm F2, which has remained affordable even with its massive popularity, but generally the best bargain […]
I wonder which adapter did you use as i see are there are really flat ones and then there are with long barrel ones?
It all depends on the camera you need to adapt to. For Canon, the adapter is flat, for Sony or M4/3 adapter is longer
Do you recommend any special model adapters for BMPCC ?
[…] can’t say I hate the this look. Sometimes all sort of imperfections create the most magical look (Helios 44-2 is perfect example). The shot from 0:50 looks so old-school and organic that if I didn’t know this was shot on […]
[…] around a bag full of vintage lenses. Once, I saw Alan Besidin’s video of the review of the Helios 44-2 I was hooked. I spent more money on lenses then camera equipment. In that bag that day I had the […]
[…] 44-2 58mm F2 – The Character Lens. I’m not going to be original when I say this is my favourite lens. I use it every time I get a chance to! It really does make anything look good, thanks to its […]
[…] lens is that it’s going to be an absolute swirly bokeh monster, a more extreme version oh Helios 44 or even Helios-40! If you know me, I’m a massive fan of the swirly bokeh, so I genuinely got […]
[…] 44 58mm F2 – My all-time favourite vintage lens: small, cheap, far from perfect, but incredible in so many ways. There are many versions of this […]
[…] To check out some lens tests and learn even more, I highly recommend checking out this link from the definitive vintage lens website: “Vintage Lens For Video“: […]
[…] To check out some lens tests and learn even more, I highly recommend checking out this link from the definitive vintage lens website: “Vintage Lens For Video“: […]