I realize that I probably won’t able to test every single vintage photo lens out the just by myself, so I decided to that I need to collaborate with other people in order to bring you guys more useful lens tests. So here is the first one, kindly provided by photographer/filmmaker liowfujin.
The video above shows the Nikon Nikkor 100mm f/2.8 AF-S Series E. Personally I’m not a Nikkor user. The main reason is the focusing ring direction. I’m used to Canon style focusing direction and most other lenses focus in the same way, so Nikkor is really messing with my head when I try to focus quickly. One think that can’t be denied though is that Nikkor lenses offer a great optical quality and great value for money. I’m not a big fan of E-series built quality and design, but really there is nothing wrong with it and as you can see it the video this little 100mm f/2.8 produces really sharp results with Panasonic GH2. Depending on the camera you’d use, this lens could be a great portrait/telephoto prime lens; great partner for smaller cameras like GH/GF range as well as Sony’s constantly expanding NEX range.
Here is what Liow had to say about his lens:
I got the Nikkor 100mm f/2.8 a while back for my Nikon DSLR, because of its compact size, range and fast aperture.
Nowadays I use it as part of my m4/3 video kit.
Mounting it on my gh2, it becomes a 200mm f/2.8 tele photo lens, turning on the gh2’s crop mode (approx 2.9x), the whole configuration becomes a super compact telephoto video setup, which is ideal for animal shooting, discrete and easy to move around. The lens balances really well with the gh2, focus ring is smooth, and the manual aperture, made it a very pleasurable lens to make video with.
The lens was £200 when I got it secondhand, it was a bargain, I find any cons on this lens as it is an old lens, can’t complain. I would say this is the best vintage telephoto lens, because of its size, range and speed.

To learn more about Nikon Nikkor 100mm f/2.8 AF-S Series E click HERE
I try my best to make this website a great resource people interested in vintage lenses for video use, so I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and it will help you save some money on your future lens investments. I’ve joined the ebay partnership program to help me run this website and fund my monthly lens giveaways, so if you found this post useful and would like to help me produce more similar content, please use the links in this post if you’re planning to buy one of these lenses or use this link if you want to buy anything else on eBay. You will not be spending a penny more using these links, while still helping me as I will get a small percentage from any purchase or successful bid you make. A win-win solution for everyone!