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INDUSTAR 50-2 50mm F3.5 Pancake Lens Review

Industar 50mm F3.5 Review

…coverage. Even though it’s tiny, I actually find it to be a great lens for run & gun video shooting. Focus ring is very thin, but really grippy and aperture ring has no clicks, so as long as you can keep your fingers out of optics, it can be a great aid for exposure control. Although aperture ring is right on the front of the lens, it turns very easily and you can adjust the aperture with jut one finger pressed against the outer edge of the ring…. Continue Reading

Battle of Cheap 17mm Primes | Tamron Adaptall-2 vs Tokina RMC

Battle of Cheap 17mm Primes | Tamron Adaptall-2 vs Tokina RMC

…kina certainly goes better with “character” lenses like the 44-2 and other Russian primes, while Tamron will mix much better with higher contrast lenses like Pentax SMC, Zeiss Contax, Canon FD and even some modern lenses, so it’s impossible to pick a winner in this category. Which one to choose will depend on what other lenses you are planning to use it with. Built Quality & Usability: Both lenses are super solid because they are made fully out of… Continue Reading

WIN Tokina RMC 17mm F3.5 | Winner Announced

WIN Tokina RMC 17mm F3.5 | Winner Announced

…so there are some signs of age, but overall it’s still in great condition. Rules, Terms & Condition for the Giveaway: To manage the whole giveaway I’m using a to help me track all the entries and pick a winner. Entering is very simple, all you need to do is complete 1 of 7 steps below. To qualify for 1 entry you only need to complete 1 step, but completing more steps will give you more entries, hence give you higher chance of winn… Continue Reading

Fast Glass of the Dead: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Zack Snyder

Fast Glass of the Dead: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Zack Snyder

…r all us storytellers. So when a vaunted filmmaker eschews the traditional rules of focus and depth of field and goes for a look that is so extreme by modern filmmaking standards, I suppose it is only natural that some viewers – especially filmmakers themselves – would feel some sense of betrayal. But maybe that is where we are forgetting ourselves a bit. Those kinds of feelings betray our own biases, as we indies chase the “Hollywood look” and tr… Continue Reading

Vintage 20mm Shootout

Vintage 20mm Shootout

…er of the lenses have a step-less aperture adjustment, but the simple construction of the M42 mount should make the de-clicking of MIR and Zeiss quite easy! One of the biggest disappointments in terms of usability is the lack of a filter thread on the MIR-20m. You can still use it with a matte box to add NDs or a polariser but you can forget about shooting wide open in bright light (this applies to video rather than photography). It’s really hard… Continue Reading

Lens De-Clicking & Mount Conversion by UK eBay shop

Lens De-Clicking & Mount Conversion by UK eBay shop

…ouston1545. Unlike most sellers/shops, what sell vintage lenses, Eddie who runs the shop services all of the lenses he sales. While they are not the cheapest on eBay, all of them seem to be in such a wonderful condition. From reading the listings and shop info, you can tell that Eddie knows what he’s doing and a lot of work is spent on every listing and every lens sold. While buying a serviced lens, which looks and works like new is very nice, it’… Continue Reading

Zeiss Contax Price List

Zeiss Contax Price List

…buying.  What is this I hear about fake MM lenses? Buyer beware: Some unscrupulous sellers, in order to increase prices for lenses, some sellers will paint the highest F-stop green. These lenses will be missing a pin on the rear for additional lens controls. But what if you cannot see the rear of the lens in an online listing? If you see a lens with a 5xxxxxxx serial and a green f/16 mark, you know you have a fake, as these lenses are much too ol… Continue Reading

Canon FD 50mm F1.4 In-Depth Review

Canon FD 50mm F1.4 In-Depth Review

…mer. I haven’t tested 3 of them yet, so can’t really say if there is much truth in that. Either way, if the price is right, you probably won’t be disappointed by either of them. Feel free to share your thoughts and your own experiences with Canon FD lenses in the comments section below. I try my best to make this website a great resource for people interested in vintage lenses for video use, so I hope you’ve enjoyed this & other posts. I sure hope… Continue Reading

Tokina AT-X 80-200mm f/2.8 vs Pentax SMC 200mm f/2.5

Tokina AT-X 80-200mm f/2.8 vs Pentax SMC 200mm f/2.5 After doing 2 separate tests on 2 of my better long lenses, Tokina AT-X 80-200mm f/2.8 and Pentax SMC 200mm f/2.5 I decided to put them against each other at 200mm to figure out which one is better. As I expected Tokina is much softer wide open. Pentax is sharp even wide open., which is probably the best thing about this lens. The problem with the Pentax thought is that there is a… Continue Reading

Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 | My Favorite Vintage Lens

Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 | My Favorite Vintage Lens

…which I shot with a Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 lens. In my opinion this vintage Russian lens is very special. It has a very nice look to it and when shooting into the sun it creates very interesting flares that add a lot of character to the footage. It’s not suitable for every scenario, but I think it definitely adds a very cool old-school film look the footage shot with it. I personally really like the result I was able to achieve with this lens and i… Continue Reading