Using Vintage Russian Lenses for Commercial Work

Using Vintage Russian Lenses for Commercial Work

It’s very nice to see the vintage lenses I constantly talk about being use on serious commercial projects. The video above was shot by a twitter friend of mine, an awesome DP/Photographer & very informative blogger, Adam Roberts. I first met Adam when he won one of my Helios 44-2 lenses I was giving away…

Timur Civan on Vintage Lenses

Timur Civan on Vintage Lenses

This blog post is here thanks to a very talented and well known cinematographer Timur Civan who also happens to have a great blog where you can find some of his absolutely amazing reviews. Timur like myself is a big fan of vintage lenses and loves them for the very same reasons I do.  The…



Here is a short test video I’ve shot with my favorite 135mm prime, the Helios 135mm f/2.8. The video above was shot on my little Sony NEX 5N with a simple neck brace for support, so the footage is not the most stable (sorry). Nevertheless, I think it’s easy to agree that this lens produces…

Olympus Zuiko 50mm f/1.4 vs Helios 44M 58mm f/2

Olympus Zuiko 50mm f/1.4 vs Helios 44M 58mm f/2

I’ve tested both of these lenses before, so the individual write-ups and opinions can be found here (for Olympus) and here (for Helios). Someone on the website asked me which one based batter based on image quality Olympus Zuiko OM 50mm f/1.4 or Helios 44m 58mm f/2, so I decided to do this quick test…

HELIOS 44m 58mm f/2 FIRST TEST + HELIOS vs Canon EF 50mm f/1.4

HELIOS 44m 58mm f/2 FIRST TEST + HELIOS vs Canon EF 50mm f/1.4

Above you can see a quick test I’ve done with this lens while out in a local park. It was really bright and I couldn’t use this lens at wide open aperture, so I think this test footage doesn’t do the justice do to this lens. I really need to test it out in low…

Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 | My Favorite Vintage Lens

Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 | My Favorite Vintage Lens

Above you can see some test footage which I shot with a Helios 44-2 58mm f/2 lens.  In my opinion this vintage Russian lens is very special. It has a very nice look to it and when shooting into the sun it creates very interesting flares that add a lot of character to the footage….

135mm Lens Test & Overview PART 1 (Helios, Chinon, Promura, Dollonds)

135mm Lens Test & Overview PART 1 (Helios, Chinon, Promura, Dollonds)

I finally got around to doing a quick test of the few lenses I recently acquired. This is a test of 4 135mm lenses, all in m42 mount, very easily adaptable to any modern DSLR. 135mm lenses are virtually non existent in modern lens world, but back in a day, they used to be popular,…